Goddess Born

I wasn't quite sure what to expect when I agreed to review Goddess Born, but the premise interested me enough that I had high hopes. I liked the whole descendant of the goddess Brigid and gift of healing aspect a lot.
I really love books that take place in Colonial America and I was happy that Goddess Bornincludes details about daily life, the differing religious groups in the area and the herbal knowledge of the times. I really appreciated the attention to detail in the descriptions about the Quaker religious beliefs and services.
I found Selah to be a sympathetic, engaging character and I knew she and Henry would end up together. I did feel that the romance seemed a bit rushed, and I would have liked it to be a bit more drawn out or at least explain a bit more how they fell for each so fast, but overall, the romance between Selah and Henry was satisfyingly sweet.
I was sufficiently appalled and upset by the villains of the novel. I think they were about as despicable as a person could be in this setting. I was quickly drawn into the drama and was anxious to find out who was behind all the accusations against Selah and I was totally surprised by the big reveal.
I think that Goddess Born will appeal to its target audience and I found it engaging and enjoyable. I actually already suggested the book to my daughter, so I think that pretty much says it all.
(This review was originally posted on my blog.)